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Hi, that's a great idea! I'll see what I can do about it. I think it also might be also a good idea to change facebook messages to something better.

Fixed. Thanks for a suggestion.

cool, will do. I thought about something similar to chrome webstore - couple of screenshots sliding after each other

Hi Michal! What alternative do you suggest?

That's sounds very nice! I've made a few builds for Ubuntu and Mac, they should work on the latest versions of named platforms. Ping me if you have any problems with them. http://collabshot.com/advanced_downloads

This looks useful to me. I'll put it on my to-do list, but current priority is to re-design interface to make space for new tools and features.

I really appreciate your feedback. I hope to get to the interface part soon and I'll see what would be the best thing to do with line tool.

Could you give me an example of how you're planning to use numbering tool?

Here we go, an amd64 build http://collabshot.com/downloads/Linux/collabshot-0.3-amd64.deb

I'll add desktop shortcut and icon later on

Thank you, this was helpful! I'll make a x86_64 build and add some new dependencies. Do you use Gnome/Unity or other DM?