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@Andrey - awesome to hear!  I've been looking for a good package (like this) to include for DrupalPro, a distro I help maintain for Developing and Theming Drupal -- and screenshots + markups are often used as part of the workflow.


I'll check back early next week -- I'd love to help test if you need it.

@Andrey, I appreciete the reply... but a timeframe a bit more specific would be useful... @Aleksandar basically pointed out this hasn't worked on new versions of Ubuntu for essentially a year (since Ubuntu 2011/10).  12.04 is a 5yr LTS and has been out for more than 5mo's... this update is not enough to keep most people interested. 

Until there is a release for Ubuntu/Mint 12.04 / 12.10 ... My suggestion for others would be to look at JShotShutter,  and Google's Screen Capture,  or FireShot as working alterntives.